Introduction to She Said It

It has been a long time that women have shut up and taken the backseat because every industry we tackle is a giant boy’s club. There are certain things women SHOULDN’T do because if they do they might be too masculine and not soft enough. There are certain things women SHOULDN’T say because if they do they are labeled as a bitch or a gossip.

In the quickly growing cannabis industry that I’m a part of, it can be a confusing ride of trying to assert yourself, in high heels, while smiling constantly, smelling good, being pleasant and being called everything except your name (sweetheart, beautiful, dear, etc).

Well ladies, to borrow words from the creators of Southpark, “I DO WHAT I WANT.”
I’m here to do and say the things that you don’t feel comfortable stepping out on your own and doing.


There are a lot of times that NONE of us feels SAFE to say what we need to say. Did that potential client touch your butt? Did you get passed by on a handshake while your male colleague got the engagement? Did someone promise to pay you and then not? There are so many things I hear about here and there, but no one ever feels comfortable coming forward and naming names.

So now, you can tell me – and I’ll tell everyone else. It is the only way I can see that we can take this back and forth game of telephone and turn it into something constructive. Let’s keep in touch, let’s keep each other safe and let’s keep our community informed of what is going on in the industry.